Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

I am glad to say that the consequences of my chest infection have lessened and I have now spent two nights able to sleep in a bed once again.  I will miss the sofa, but sleeping propped up was helpful.  Doreen's health is also improving.

After a quiet and frankly lazy week I shall go to Yelvertoft this Sunday morning.  Several of our members are unwell with the same chest infection and heavy colds.  We will be without music (our regular musician is one of those unwell) and I will not be able to sing, so I'm not quite sure what we will do.  My thoughts as I have prayerfully pondered the meeting has taken me to a theme of 'resolutions'.

1.  I have been thinking about Jacob who, having left home because of the trick he played on his brother and father, experiences God at Bethel.  He he resolves to honour God, and this preludes the experiences over the years that follow and his final return home as a changed man.

2.  Joshua, after the people had settled into the land promised to them by the Lord, challenged the people as to how they would live.  In this he declared that he and his household would serve the Lord.  In recognition of what God had already done for them others also resolved to serve the Lord.

3.  My third situation of a resolution in scripture takes me to the New Testament and the story Jesus told of a son who deliberately chose to leave his father and home, and more significantly to leave the values that were treasured here.  As a result he discovers that this world offers only temporary and passing pleasure.  His life sinks visibly into the mess that was already his soul's state before God.  On hitting rock bottom he makes a resolution to retrace his footsteps to home and make an open confession of his sin and failure.  He hopes that he might successfully plead for a measure of help - at least to the status of a servant.  What he finds is a merciful father, a new robe, ring and sandals, and a feast with a fatted calf.

May the Lord draw us close to himself and elicit from us similar resolutions to these.  With that in view I wish you a very happy New Year.

This week I shall be doing a lot of study and writing, and working on the rural evangelism material going abroad.  I hope to go to the prison on Tuesday afternoon, though I shall not expect to sing.  On Wednesday evening I will be meeting with the Area Treasurer for the Congregational Federation helping to plan a budget.  On  Thursday morning we have the first Bible Discussion Group of 2012 in Yelvertoft.  On Sunday 8th I am planned to be back in Yelvertoft to take the Sunday meeting.

It was good to receive many cards, and messages over Christmas.  Doreen and I are grateful for the assurance of prayerful support.  It was also appreciated to receive supportive messages while we have both been unwell over the Christmas period.

Where do you hope your pilgrimage of faith will take you this year?


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