Saturday 30 March 2013

A Real Turnaround!

It is my hope and prayer that this Easter period will bring about a deepening of faith and a renewed commitment to share this amazing story with others.

I love the story of the two that walked to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-35).  Full of doubt and confusion they failed to recognise the person who drew near and walked with them.  I note that it was he who took the initiative.  Like many Christians I can look back and see God's presence in my life long before I had come to recognise it.  He made their concerns his own.  He had drawn alongside them in more ways than one.  Only after he had reminded them of scripture and helped them understand its relevance did they reach a point of decision.  Their hearts now burning within them they did not want to be deprived of his company.

I see this as a wonderful gracious moment.  He did not ask to become their guest; rather he made as if he was going further along the road.  This is the moment where they needed to seize the initiative, and they did.  So it was through an invitation to become their guest, putting him before themselves, that at last they realised who their companion was.  What a mind-blowing experience that must have been.  They had been talking and possibly eating with the risen Christ!  Now they could not keep quiet until the morning.

It would have been at least a two hour journey back to Jerusalem.  It would have been dark, difficult, and possibly dangerous, but it could not be put off.  I doubt they waited to do the washing up!  News like that just had to be shared.  Whatever reason had led them to travel from Jerusalem to Emmaus it now had no significance in the light of what had taken place along that road.  There was now a new priority that eclipsed the former.

Three weeks ago I wrote about my personal Easter experience 50 years ago today.  An evangelist called Sylvia Smith (how I wish I knew she could be aware of how God used her that night) spoke about her work as an evangelist in London, and then spoke on "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" (Authorised Version mostly in 1963).  As she spoke about the various people who had been involved in the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, weaknesses in my own character and faith were exposed.  Again and again, after each character had been described she added, "Jesus prayed, 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do'"

For the first time in my life I not only understood how much I was loved - I felt that love!  The meeting closed with singing Isaac Watts' great hymn, "When I survey the wondrous cross" and singing the last line of the last verse was my moment of unreserved commitment to Jesus.  What I had wanted to do with my life no longer mattered; a new priority had eclipsed the former.  While I wish with all my heart that my life might have been more fruitful, I am thankful for those whom I have helped to come to know Jesus.  And the end is not yet!

So this Easter, please join with me in not only ensuring you have made Jesus the honoured guest in your life, but also that you identify with the enthusiasm of the two at Emmaus who found themselves with a burning desire to tell others that Jesus was indeed alive and to share their experience of him with others who might need to hear it.

Prayer Update

1.  We had a good choir practise in the prison but missed 'T' who has been disturbed by some recent developments outside prison.  Please pray for him that his faith will be strengthened at this time.  We would love to see him back.  No prison visit this Tuesday as there is an alternative activity taking place.  There are changes about to take place within the prison so we value your prayers that this ministry will not be adversely affected.

2.  Several responded positively to the unhappy circumstances I shared last week that have befallen Action for Christ.  It wasn't easy to write those things but we do so need your prayers.  We are still looking for professional legal advice (with no funds to pay for it), still have various issues to resolve from former mismanagement, and we have a review meeting with the Charity Commission on 10th and 11th April.  We are not really 'under these circumstances' since everything that is over our head is actually under His feet!  Please pray for my fellow trustees in Action for Christ as we seek to act righteously and discover God's purposes for the way ahead.

Thank you for your fellowship and prayers.  I thank God for you, and pray that you will have a really blessed and life changing Easter.


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