Tuesday, 9 March 2010

An ecumissional gathering

If ecumenism isn't about sharing in God's mission then I consider it to be a waste of time.  However, good ecumenism is always about mission.  Yesterday I was at a meeting in London of the newly re-formed "Group for Evangelisation" which is a part of Churches Together in England.  The theme for the day was "Confident Discipleship" and a dozen of us represented various church traditions, and we had two guests from the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (licc).

The licc reps presented their "Imagine" project.  For me there were no new ideas but it is good to know that licc are sharing in the vision that has already inspired so many of us, and are able to bring their not inconsiderable resources to bear.  What we are called to imagine is churches made up of confident missional Christians who see wherever they are in society as the place of mission to which God has called them.

They emphasised that the ten hours (max) we might spend in church should be equipping us for the work God has for us within the remaining 110 hours we are awake.

We also heard about Biblefresh which celebrates the 400th anniversary since the King James version of the Bible was published.  It's a Bible Society initiative.  Added to that I was able to catch up on what is happening evangelistically through other church traditions and share some of the exciting things happening in the Congregational Federation, which I was representing.

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