Wednesday, 24 March 2010

The Challenge to "Be Still"

Not a great deal to report as I am following the doctors' instructions and taking things easy for a day or so.  What it does emphasise is how hard it is to be truly "still".  I worked on a few very easy things today such as revising and then sending off copies of a booklet I wrote about Congregational Fresh Expressions of Church.  Apparently a church asked the offices for 12 copies and they had none there.

So many fill their days with activities and noise.  The radio is on from first thing.  Ipod earpieces carry music and speech into our minds when we have spare moments.  Background music plays in leisure and work situations.  I wonder how much we actually miss because we have lost the art of being still.  We learn the hard way the value of scripture advice that tells us to be still and know that God is there - ready and able.

This evening a car valet rep came to look at my car which has been parked up since I got back from the journey on which a bottle of orange juice exploded.  Tomorrow they take it away to clean it up.

The manufacturer of the drink (I am currently keeping this anonymous to give them time to take action) has written to say that they have referred the product to their technical department for scientific tests!  If they fail to voluntarily improve their labelling I will refer it to the Health and Safety Executive.  I could easily have been killed or killed someone else if I had reacted inappropriately or driven into someone when the windscreen got coated with juice.

Tomorrow I have a couple of easy tasks lined up and more opportunity to practise being still.

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