For the past 34 years and more I have sent Christmas cards not only my relatives but also to almost everyone on the Rural Mission Solutions mailing lists. But this year has to be different because nearly all my time is taken up with getting ready to move home. There are two impediments in particular. The first is that I have filled up much of my three bedroomed house with historic documents in addition to all those things that might come handy one day. The second is trying to undertake the task single handed while suffering from acute spinal stenosis and awaiting an operation.
Fortunately, some friends have come to my aid, and I have lost count of the hours they have given both in helping me to part with previously important items, and also moving heavy bags and other items that would otherwise have set my spinal stenosis screaming. I thank God for good friends.
2022 in brief
As the pandemic spilled over from the previous years it continued to disrupt our plans. We continued to do as much as possible via the internet. Although we had dropped the Sunday Morning series, we have kept the Tuesday evening Bible Studies going and these have been very much appreciated. Most of those attending regularly come from rural areas. Both the Sunday mornings and Bible studies have been recorded and are available on our YouTube Channel. The Sunday morning recordings will be deleted in the next few weeks.
We started 2022 with two new team members. Martin Scheller has settled quickly and got to work on our website. This now has a new look. If you haven't visited it recently do take a look. Bruce Johnson was employed to help us grow our relations with the Church of England across the UK and with a supplementary role as team chaplain. Bruce led the devotions recently at our Team Prayer Retreat.
Throughout the year, both David and I worked regularly within the dioceses of St Albans and Oxford respectively. It has been a joy to report the fruitfulness of these activities.
A new development has involved hosting two Rural Church and Community Forum meetings online. Both were well attended and generated positive feedback. These explored the changes that have taken place in village and village church life, and how churches can improve their engagement with their local communities.
Other ongoing work through the year has included our links with Country Way magazine production, the Free Churches Group of Evangelization, and the Churches Rural Group (now wound up), and our network with other rural mission organisations and key people from the churches.
As the year ends, we have described our mission in terms of a dream. Our dream is to see a visible and vibrant, credible and caring missional Christian community in every village across the land. These may be in the form of existing local churches or smaller home groups supporting local churches. More about this in the New Year.
Plans for 2023
Probably the most significant plan is the appointment of yet another staff member who will take over from me as CEO. Your prayers are asked as we will start advertising the post early in the New Year. As founder I will continue to be involved but will be able to focus more on advocacy for rural mission and evangelism, and in my work with David and Gordon Banks (our Chair of Trustees) offering local consultations and church away-days.
We are currently planning three more open Rural Church and Community Forum meetings, at least six regional Good News in the Countryside Consultations, and hope that these will generate a good number of Away-Days. We are also currently offering to lead Away-Days free of charge and based on our Mission Can Be Fun scheme.
The aim of these is to help as many as possible in each church to explore God's plan for the missional life of their church. The title is a response to the fact that many in rural churches find the idea of mission as threatening, when in fact it is exciting. While the threefold strategic plan will take up much of our time, we will be available to respond to other requests from churches.
Another area receiving our attention will be our prayer partners and financial supporters. I will write more about this in the New Year. Many of those on our mailing list are faithful prayer partners who follow our activities through our monthly Praise & Prayer News. Some of these also help to keep the ministry going through regular or occasional donations. There is a strong sense of fellowship between us, and we are keen to nurture this.
At the same time, we are aware that there are many rural clergy, free church ministers and preachers, and others engaging in rural mission activity who experience a sense of isolation. Since the Rural Evangelism Network, we helped to set up in 1982 is not now as active as it has been, we are exploring the possibility of opening it up to include these others to create a companionship. This will offer two-way fellowship and prayer support.
Our Thanks to You
No Christian ministry operates in a vacuum. We are all part of one Church called by God to share in his mission. Prayer Partners, Financial Supporters, Companions, full time and part time clergy and mission workers, we all need one another. So, thank you for being there as part of God's plan for the re-evangelization of the rural areas of the UK.
I pray that you will have a very happy Christmas and a very blessed 2023. Please forgive the lack of a Christmas card this year. We would love to hear from you.
Barry Osborne
Founder & CEO Rural Mission Solutions
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