Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Above the storm -21sr October


Above the storm

This week I am staying with the theme of peace at times when life is unsettled or even when everything is going wrong. We are certainly living through difficult times politically, economically, and possibly spiritually. It is all too easy to start to worry or even panic.

Three of the gospel writers record the incident of Jesus walking on the water, though the details vary. Only one, (Matthew 14:22 -33) relates the incident about Peter trying to walk on water. But all three (the others are Mark and John) relate what their circumstances were, their reaction to Jesus coming to them, and the result once he entered the boat.

The start of the journey

The disciples had just shared in the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 with a few loaves and fish. Jesus remained in that area and they had set off on their own as Jesus had suggested. It soon became dark, they were facing a head wind in a storm and were not making much progress rowing.

I wonder if that seems like an echo from your experience. Have you ever sought to be obedient to God’s guidance? Only to find yourself in a problem,? Have you ever tried to deal with a situation on your own only to find yourself wearing yourself out but getting nowhere? Have you ever found that pressing forward with your plans is like sailing into a headwind? Sometimes the place of peace and safety can seem far away, and the Lord does not seem to be near.

Jesus to the rescue

Probably, the last thing they would have expected was to see Jesus walking towards them. No wonder all three writers say they were afraid or even terrified. That Jesus was actually walking on the water would have made it worse. Sometimes, when God comes to our aid in a way we do not expect we have difficulty recognising his work. It is also noteworthy that Jesus walked on that of which they were most afraid. Whatever our fears, they are under his feet.

Welcoming their helper - experiencing peace

As mentioned above, only Matthew tells us about the strange request from Peter, and what happened when he looked at the problem rather than the Saviour. John tells us that it was after Jesus had assured them it was him that they were willing to let him into the boat. God’s deliverance does not always come in the way we expect. We have to be willing to accept it. All three tell us that it was only after Jesus had entered the boat that the wind died down.

Jesus saw them

Mark includes in his account that Jesus saw them then and went to their aid. Whether that was physical or spiritual sight we do not know. But we can be sure that whenever we are in difficulties and feel overwhelmed by circumstances, Jesus sees us. Hde will come to our aid, but we still have to invite him in.

Barry Osborne - 21st October 2022

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