Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Coping with Corona

"I will build my church...."
When Jesus said these words he added, "and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it"   Here in the UK (and probably on other countries) church services are suspended from this Sunday because of the COVID-19 virus.  Its is a wise step to help combat the disease and hinder its spread.  But it's Mothering Sunday!  "and COVID-19 will not prevail against it."

So, we in Rural Mission Solutions have come up with a solution.  We are holding a short Mothering Sunday Service using the Internet.  The service is open to all and will include prayers, scripture reading and a short talk (mini-sermon).  Gordon Banks and I will lead the service between us.  If I can find a good recording of an appropriate hymn we may include that.

As with all our webinars you will need to reserve your place by clicking here.  This will get you another link to use on Sunday.  Use this around 9.50 to get you into the event in time.  Why not spread the news to others in your church?  The easiest way is to forward this as it includes the link.  However if you need it in full it is

As churches close we have to find new ways of being church 2x7.  One way is to set up a pastoral scheme.  I devised  plan to ensure that everyone had three links.  I will see if I can include it here.  If that fails, email me for a copy.

We need to remember that the church is God's instrument for blessing those outside the church.  We all should look out for anyone who needs help in these days.  Let's be Good News.

If this first online service is successful technologically, we will repeat it.  I am also offering a Bible Study Group.  This will be interactive.

Remember,we are not limited in our faith or in being church difficulties can turn into opportunities.
Matters for Praise & Prayer
  • Pray for those whose lives have been overshadowed by COVID-19 especially those who have lost loved ones.
  • Pray for those in government and others trying to make the best decisions and care and provide for all who are affected by this crisis.
  • Pray for those who, like me, find their pattern of ministry and Christian service.
  • Pray for the leaders of churches as they try to develop alternative strategies.
  • Pray for me and others in Rural Mission Solutions as we develop appropriate strategies to help rural churches.  Pray for creativeness.
  • Pray that there will be a good attendance for the Mothering Sunday Service online on Sunday.
  • Pray fro people to come forward who are willing to take part in online ministry, including ministry to children.  We have the facility to offer such ministry which can be delivered from home.  We can also provide online training.
  • Pray for our need for an Internet Ministry Support Worker will soon be filled.
  • Pray for Christian charities (including RMS) as the crisis is likely to affect crucial income.

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