Sunday, 18 May 2014

"Great Minds... or is God Speaking?

STOP PRESS: My colleague, Monica Cook, arrived in Nairobi on Friday evening following several weeks of work in Kenya.  You will be aware that there are current dangers for Europeans in Kenya and there has been several bombings in and around Nairobi.  On Monday she will travel on to South Africa for ministry.  Please pray for her safety and for others working in dangerous situations.

Early last Friday I wrote my regular piece for the monthly Parish Magazine that covers the area where Yelvertoft Congregational Church is situated.  It reflects briefly upon the abusive tendencies in modern society and raises questions regarding possible causes and makes a suggestion for addressing the problem.  Recent horrific stories of actual or planned murderous attacks on school teachers, reports of sexual abuse in the news and my own wider pastoral ministry beyond the village inclines me to believe that we are becoming increasingly careless of one another and downright abusive in the way we speak and treat one another.

When I listened to Thought for the Day on Radio4 on Saturday morning I was amazed to hear almost the same thoughts being shared.  It was almost as if she had read my piece which i had posted on our church website (  Was it a case of "Great minds think alike" or might it be that the Holy Spirit is speaking into the world in which we live today?  When you hear the same message coming from different sources around the same time it should make us think.

Of course I do not actually think the "Great minds" explanation is worth considering so we are left to consider what God feels and is saying to us today.  If it is that and not just mere coincidence then it is also worth reflecting on the concept of prophetic ministry within our churches.  The Old Testament prophets more often spoke God's word into contemporary situations than revealing what was yet to come.  It is more about forth-telling than fore-telling.  The apostle Paul tells us in 1Corinthians chapters 12 to 14 that among the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives among Christians is prophecy, which he tells us is given for strengthening, exhortation, comfort and so that we may be instructed.  Paul also encourages us all to eagerly seek this gift.

In Ephesians chapter 4 we also read that there is a prophetic ministry that is a gift of Jesus Christ to the Church universal.  This would seem to be something distinct from the gift of the Holy Spirit, and Paul lists them alongside evangelists, pastors and teachers, and apostles.  We get a glimpse into this prophetic ministry in various parts of Acts.  Whatever our understanding of this might be it becomes clear that God wants to speak into his Church and through his Church.  We should be exercising a prophetic role within his world today.

Old Testament prophets often found that their words were unwelcome.  Some suffered at the hands of those who should have welcomed hearing a word from God.  It may be the same today, and now as then to be and speak prophetically will call for faith and courage.  Speaking prophetically will be of no use unless we are living prophetically, which is another aspect we would do well to consider.

One possible aspect of prophetic ministry might be the ability to preach in a way that makes the Bible speak into our lives in a profound way.  I love that famous quotation from John Robinson (1576- 1625), "God has yet more light and truth to break forth from his Holy Word"

So, "Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy." (1Corinthians 14:1)

From the Diary
Sunday 18th - Yelvertoft Congregational Church
Monday 19th - Visit to Stockingford, Nuneaton to assist a church to be a safer place for children and vulnerable adults.
Tuesday 20th - Wednesday 21st - Free Churches Group Residential Meeting, Birmingham
Wednesday later afternoon - pastoral counselling, Long Buckby, Northants.
Thursday 22nd - Pastoral visits locally
Sunday 25th - Yelvertoft Congregational Church
Prison: We have now been told that we can proceed planning an event for the Choir at HMP Gartree and have a provisional date in June.  This is an important aspect of rehabilitation and provides an opportunity for the men in the choir to serve others.

Thank you for your fellowship in the gospel,


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