Saturday, 11 June 2011

An overstuffed suitcase?

Thank you for your prayers in recent days.  I continue to be encouraged by God's blessing - so much more than I deserve.

As you will know if you follow this blog, the previous week was very intense with a strong focus on issues regarding the proper pastoral and spiritual care of those who have been the victims of sexual abuse.  I have recently offered to provide some information/training on this subject to a new church group.  Please pray that they will take this up.

During the past week it was good to finally get a date on which I could share a breakfast with other church leaders in Rugby and the surrounding area.  At this event I met for the first time Simon who works locally with YFC with special responsibility for work with Primary Schools.  To my amazement he used to live in Heathfield, East Sussex (close to where Doreen and I used to live).  We have a number of friends in common.  After the breakfast I met with the architects that the church at Yelvertoft have engaged to see through some much needed alterations to our building.  The next stage is listed building consent so we need your prayers as the present situation hinders what could be done with the building which is inaccessible to those with walking difficulties.

The following day I was back in Warwickshire for the Revive Rural Group church leaders meeting.  Attendance was disappointing but the content of the meeting was excellent.  The various networking of rural church leaders are an important aspect of ministry.  We need a meeting soon for the one based in Market Harborough.  I also need to book dates for local consultations around the country.

A significant amount of time was spent this week preparing for the assessment on the part of the Research work.  All needs to be finished by the end of this month.  I have to give a presentation at Winchester University on Saturday and value your prayers both for the preparation and the actual presentation.

The week ended with my leading interviews for three people studying with the Congregational Federation.  All three offer potential and we had a good interview team.

This week
Sunday 12th June - Pentecost.  I will be taking the morning meeting at Yelvertoft.  In the afternoon we expect to meet up with others for a special Pentecost event in Market Harborough.  I continue to cringe when I hear people speak of Pentecost as the "birthday of the church", which is very wrong as the Church existed before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  That came upon "the believers" (i.e. the Church already in existence.  I equally cringe when people seem to think the Holy Spirit indwells all people in the world.  Where does that come from?

Tuesday 14th - I will be in Gartree Prison as I cannot miss this particular week although I would normally be at the Churches Group for Evangelisation meeting in London.  I'm sorry to miss that but cannot be in two places at once!

Wednesday 15th - back to London for an interview with the Church Times on the document we have just completed that will be launched at the General Synod in a few week's time.

Thursday 16th - pastoral work at Yelvertoft.

Friday 17th - I travel to Hampshire, staying overnight on a farm with Christian friends ready for Saturday and an all day programme at Winchester University where I will give my presentation.

Sunday 19th - a welcome free day.  Dr Gordon Temple leads the meeting at Yelvertoft. Gordon heads up the work of Torch Trust for the Blind.

I will indeed welcome a quiet day - and the opportunity to reflect on what it means to have a heavenly Father.  Managing my work load needs constant prayer - mine and yours.  While travelling to one important meeting the other day and while preparing my mind for another event it occurred to me that my life could easily become like an overfull suitcase, impossible to close or to safely contain its contents, and therefore in danger of being less than useful.  I am reminded of a prayer that a Methodist friend prayed in the vestry of a little Congregational Chapel during a mission in Devon.  He prayed, "Lord, teach us tonight that success comes not from overworking, but from overflowing". That night, immediately as he finished his prayer, the wind of God's Spirit swept through the room as on the Day of Pentecost.

Tonight, as I still ponder what God would have me say and do tomorrow to mark that first outpouring to empower the Church for witness my prayer is "Do it again, Lord - please".

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