Saturday, 20 November 2010

Curious networking

Last Monday I had arranged to meet Captain Gordon Banks and Canon Penny Horseman (both Church Army Officers) at Hothorpe Hall which is not far from home.  The purpose was to discuss the possibility of holding a rural mission consultation in Penny's part of the world.  We had a useful conversation but as I was about to leave I spotted Peter Graystone - also with the Church Army - who has recently taken over as director of the Christian Enquiry Agency (of which I am a Council members).  The previous week CEA launched its new website ( but I was unable to be present as I was attending a funeral.

Having Peter at Hothorpe Hall made me realise how useful it would be if I could set up a meeting for him with Jeff Bonser (a former CEA Director) who lives about five minutes from me!  Various telephone numbers were being swapped when someone tapped my arm and said "Nice to see you!"  This was Major David Botting of the Salvation Army who was, I learned, also running an event in Hothorpe Hall.

David and I worked together on writing "Time for Action" about the pastoral care of people who have been sexually abused.  As soon as I finished with Peter I hunted down David and discovered he was there running an event for Salvation Army Chaplains that work in their Care Homes.  Chatting with him I discovered that there was a possibility that the SA would be interested in knowing that I had already networked the training department of the Congregational Federation, someone concerned to develop chaplaincy training for the AOG, and St. Philip's Centre in Leicester which was just developing such a course.  So contact details were passed on to David.

That evening I attended the Harborough Churches Together Forum where Jeff Bonser announced that he had  been enabled to meet up with Peter Graystone from the Christian Enquiry Agency who had told him of an important series of programmes the BBC will be running during advent.  Even more networking!

You might like to ponder which of the gifts and ministries such networking gifts fits!  I think it must be "Helps".

Yet another funeral service yesterday - this time for Ken, a dearly loved member at Yelvertoft Congregational Church.  During the refreshments that followed I met for the first time a neighbour of Ken & Joan who put herself out to tell me that she loves to read the pieces I write for the Parish Magazine.  Even that could have been a bit of useful networking.  There were also encouraging comments about the ministry at the Remembrance Service the previous Sunday.

Coming Up
This Sunday 21st I am taking the Family Service for Goodwood Evangelical Church on the outskirts of Leicester.  John Harris will be at Yelvertoft.

On Monday 22nd I will be taking a school assembly at Lubenham, Leics.

On Tuesday 23rd I have a school assembly at Yelvertoft, Northants followed by my weekly afternoon with the choir at Gartree Prison.

On Wednesday 24th I will be working with the Salvation Army at Sunbury on Thames as part of the Safe & Sound training.  Sunbury is the location of the SA's International Council and a conference centre.

On Thursday 25th a joiner will replace some kitchen fittings in our home following a small fire a few weeks ago.

On Friday 26th Doreen and I head off for a short break (Preston, Falkirk, Doncaster and home again). So there might not be a posting on this blog next weekend, but please check just in case.

Thanks again for your prayers.  At the end of another busy week which included some rather remarkable meetings I know that someone somewhere has been praying for me.


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