Saturday, 26 June 2010

The week ahead

Thank you for your prayers; they mean so much to Doreen and me.  This will be a busy week so all the more reason to stay close to the Lord and seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Within this busy week I have writing work to do for the Church of England and, if possible, a newsletter to write and send out for the Rural Evangelism Network, and quite a lot of administrative work and correspondence.  Your prayers that the Lord will grant wisdom regarding time management this week, and in every sense meet our needs will be appreciated.  Someone sent me an email in which it said "If the Lord brings you to it, he will bring you through it".

Sunday 27th June
10.45  Yelvertoft Congregational Church, Northants.
18.00  Theddingworth Congregational Church, Leics. (attending)

Monday 28th June
Free Day (apart from a few admin jobs)

Tuesday 29th June
Afternoon - Gartree Prison
19.30 - Church Meeting, Theddingworth CC

Wednesday 30th June
Nottingham - as part of an Interview Panel for senior post (Mission Development Worker) in the Congregational Federation.  Please pray for wisdom as we interview three applicants.

Would have otherwise been at the Churches Rural Group meeting in Stoneleigh, Warwicks.  At the previous meeting the Chairman was unable to attend and his deputy was delayed.  I was asked to chair the first part of the meeting and some significant decisions were made.  I pray that this will be built upon effectively as this could be a very valuable group for the kingdom.

Thursday 1st July
Very early start for London where I will be providing the main input/teaching for the Salvation Army Cadets (officers in training) on appropriate pastoral care and actions should they ever receive a report of sexual abuse.  Hopefully they may never have to put the advice into practice but it's always best to be prepared, and some in all denominations are finding the courage to disclose past situations.  These could include abuse within the family or elsewhere.  This can be a demanding day's work.

Friday & Saturday 2nd & 3rd July
Nottingham - As part of the Congregational Federation's Pastoral Care Board I shall be taking part in vocational interviews for those who aspire to be recognised for ministry within the CF.  High standards are set and the two day programme keeps us pretty busy.

Sunday 4th July
10.45 Yelvertoft Congregational Church, Northants.

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