Saturday, 19 January 2019

Opportunity Knocks

It is almost 30 years since this early broadcast talent show aired its last programme, so it’s probable that some of those reading this will not remember it.  I was amazed to discover that it began in 1949 - 70 years ago! I think Opportunity Knocks was a great name for a show that opened a door to a career for Les Dawson, Paul Daniels, Pam Ayres, Su Pollard, Freddie Starr, Mary Hopkin and many more.

But the title also speaks into two New Testament verses that speak about opportunity knocking (Ephesians 5:16 and Colossians 4:5).  In the Authorised Version it is translated as “redeeming the time” and more modern translations use “making the most of every opportunity”.  Opportunities knock for every Christian on a regular basis.  The trouble is that most of us fail to recognise them before it is too late.

The classic illustration from the Hebrew Scriptures is the story of Esther.  The Jews scattered among the Babylonian, and later Persian Empires were threatened with extinction.  One woman was the only person with a unique opportunity to change this. Having won an international beauty competition she had been appointed as Queen to King Ahasuerus.  However, grasping that opportunity could have cost her life.  Seeing the uniqueness of the opportunity as a gift from God, her cousin says to her, “... who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4 NKJV).  Esther stepped up to the mark and brought about a great deliverance.  She made the most of the opportunity.

I have always found the foundation for the great Hebridean Revival an inspiration.  Two ladies, housebound, had been interceding for the salvation of others when God revealed to them that a village evangelist from the Faith Mission should be sent for to conduct special meetings.  Despite at first seeming impossible, the women remained steadfast that Duncan Campbell should come. He did and the revival that changed the lives of thousands began. It might have been a different story had not the two women not have grasped the opportunity that limited mobility gave them to spend much time in prayer.

Many years ago, a dear Strict Baptist preacher, Mr Oliver from the village of Egerton in Kent, approached me to tell me that God had “given him a word to share with someone”.  He seemed to feel that might be me and I gladly received from him the message that had been given to Esther.  Knowing that you are acting within the purpose of God is a precious thing. At that time I needed assurance in my own ministry.  That encounter - grasped by Mr Oliver - has contributed greatly to my sticking with a vision for rural evangelism and I hope, one day perhaps, revival.

In recent months, my own ministry moved into a situation that limited me.  Like the women in Hebrides, my ability to travel far and wide has been curtailed by illness.  It is not my illness but that of my wife who now needs virtually 24/7 care. But this has presented an opportunity to be grasped.  We, in Rural Mission Solutions, had already begun using the internet to provide webinars, or online seminars. Following the first few faltering steps, and with the aid of my good friend and colleague, Gordon Banks, we are running an increasing number of these event, and steadily building a valuable library of videos that inspire and encourage a growing number of Christians in rural churches to boldly share their faith in ways that are simple yet effective.  Limitations physically have provided a fantastic opportunity to grasp.

At present every webinar attracts scores of people but we have capacity in our webinars to welcome up to 1,000.  Consequently, just one webinar lasting 30 to 45 minutes can (and is) reaching many more people that a face-to face seminar.  In addition to this there are all those who use our resources on YouTube. Just such an opportunity presents itself to you on Saturday 26th January from 9.00 to 9.30 when Gordon and I will be presenting a webinar on simple ideas for mission for rural churches (and others) during the months of Spring.  Already the number of people registering to attend this event (advance registration is essential) is steadily increasing. If you are not otherwise committed, please grasp this opportunity as it knocks in your life.

I welcome every opportunity to share the gospel message and teach the scriptures.  One special opportunity is in prison at HMP Gartree where for a few hours each week I work as a part time voluntary chaplain.  A few days ago fourteen men in prison for life, grasped the opportunity to spend 45 minutes drawing precious truths out of the letter to the Hebrews.  The spiritual hunger and enthusiasm is remarkable. As questions are raised, prisoners help one another to understand biblical truths. Many of the Christians explain to me that they were in slavery before their sentence but now they are free!  While fully acknowledging the seriousness of the crime that resulted in a life sentence, they daily grasp the opportunities God gives them to live out and proclaim the gospel that changes lives.

Every day God will give you precious opportunities.  Apparent setbacks and problems are only new opportunities if you look for them.  I know that many who read these words are already seeking to make the most of every opportunity.  I want to encourage you. If you have not been aware of the many opportunities God has been giving you, please pray that he will help you to see and to grasp them for every day in the rest of your life.  Who can tell what blessing this might bring. It could change your world.

Barry Osborne - 19th January 2019