Sunday, 28 August 2016


Last November the title of one of my Praise & Prayer News was “It’s about time” which contained some reflections on opportunities.  This week, I find myself reflecting on much the same theme.  I apologise for repeating myself, but as Paul writes to the Philippians sometimes this is helpful.

In two of his letters, the apostle Paul writes about making the most of every opportunity.  On both occasions (Ephesians and Colossians) it is about how believers relate to the world around them, and the witness through our lives.  Life is made up of opportunities taken but also opportunities missed.  I have a few regrets as I look back but the bitterness of one lost opportunity seems to linger and recalling it immediately fills me with sadness.

For reasons I don’t need to go into here, moments of bonding with my father seem to have been few during childhood.  He struggled with ill health and other problems that clearly got in his way.  I have some very precious memories of times together, but also of this one opportunity lost.  I regret that I cannot remember telling him about it years later, when we had developed a wonderful working relationship in Christian ministry.  I wish I had done so.

It was a Saturday afternoon when my father came into my bedroom and asked if I would like to go with him to watch a football match with our home team, Hastings United.  We had done this once before and I remembered how cold and bored I was.  The play was uninspiring and the only excitement was caused by a goal keeper hitting his head on a goal post as he dived to save the ball.  He knocked himself out and was carted off to hospital, while the match laboured on.  The thought of once more taking the long walk to and from the Pilot Field and time standing on the terrace did not attract me.  I declined the invitation.

It was only a few minutes after he had left the house that I knew that I had lost something special.  I ran after him, assuming he would walk through the park and then up Elphinstone Road.  All the way I searched for him, but in vain.  When I reached the Pilot Field I could not get in as I had no money.  I felt deeply wretched.  What is worse now, is not knowing what was in my father’s heart when he invited me to go with him, or how I made him feel when I disdained the invitation. Writing about it now makes me deeply sad.  I wept as I walked home that day.

Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote, “The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.”.  T.S. Elliot wrote, “Footfalls echo in the memory, down the passage we did not take, towards the door we never opened, into the rose garden.”.  One of the saddest passages in the Bible is about a woman who spurned her lover because he came calling at an inconvenient time (See Song of Songs chapter 5 verses 2 to 8).

The apostle Paul’s comments on these two occasions, imply that in our lives will come moments of opportunity.  They are to be grasped, to be made the most of.  Not to be wasted or lost.  They are there for a moment, and only a moment.  We need to act quickly or live with the regret.  Sometimes, in order to make the most of them will be costly.  The King James Version of the Bible uses the expression, “Redeeming the time”, which seems to emphasis a cost involved.  For me it was giving up nothing more than a lazy afternoon, hanging around the house.  A small price to pay for the opportunity of that “walk into the rose garden”. ‘Redeeming’ is not a bad translation of the original Greek word used.  Grasping opportunities will be costly.

During the past week, Gordon Banks (a good friend, colleague, and trustee of Rural Mission Solutions) and I have been preparing a webinar on ideas for Rural Mission in the Autumn.  We ran that seminar this morning and have had great feedback.  As we prepared we started by identifying the key activities for the autumn months: the start of the academic year, harvest thanksgiving, Halloween, bonfire night and Remembrance Day.  We then started exploring how these occasions present opportunities for mission and evangelism.  As we explored resources available I wrote a handout listing these.  It covers three sides of A4 paper.

Were you among those who attended the webinar?  If not, could you have attended?  Did you miss an opportunity?  We actually had an excellent attendance.  I am excited by the comments afterwards, like this one from an Anglican Archdeacon, “Thanks for an excellent Webinar this morning.  I have just posted a blog about the Webinar. Not only have you resourced us with mission ideas but you’ve taken me into the place of webinars - which I shall be exploring with our new Director of Comms.  Huge thanks and every blessing.” And so the blessing will be multiplied because of a grasped opportunity.  Hallelujah!

It is two years since we in Rural Mission Solutions first saw the opportunity that a financial investment in technology could bring.  The Mission Webinars are the first step, and I’m still hoping to add the opportunity for training, for Bible teaching, and Christian ministry to isolated children.  To achieve that we need additional team members who are good at communications, and willing to invest a little time to develop the skills.  Please put your prayers behind this.

Finally, if you were unable to attend this morning but want to see what opportunities there are for mission this autumn, the good news is that the webinar is now in video form and can be viewed at

From the Diary

Most weeks I spend time researching, writing and recording material for rural evangelism in the UK.  I value your prayers for these activities.  Once a week I also serve as a voluntary prison chaplain with men on life sentences.

Give thanks for the recent webinar.  Katrina Thomas, Children and Families Adviser for Rural Mission Solutions is preparing a presentation which we hope to run soon. Several other webinars are scheduled for the autumn.  We are also offering opportunities for online discussion groups after the webinars.  This is a new experiment.

Please pray as we send out invitations in the south east of England for people to come and meet Katrina and me at Herstmonceux on Saturday 17th September.  Email me for details if you are within travelling distance.  It would be great to meet up with you.

Wednesday 7th September I am attending an important Court hearing in Sussex as a trustee under a Will.  My co-trustee and I are trying to make changes to the management of the trust that will enable us to operate better and to support one of the beneficiaries.  Because of the current arrangement the trustees have had to lend a considerable amount of personal money in order to cover urgent expenses.  We ask for your prayers that we will be wise and gracious and that the other party will not obstruct these plans.

Sunday 4th September: morning at Fleckney Baptist Church, afternoon sharing in a welcome service for a new Methodist minister; evening at Narborough Congregational Church, all in Leicestershire.

Sunday 11th September – Newark Congregational Church, Nottinghamshire

Sunday 18th September – St Leonards-on-Sea Baptist Church, East Sussex

Toward the end of the month I will be running some rural evangelism consultations for the Rural Evangelism Network.  I will also be sharing in a special day for rural churches and participating in various other meetings.  More about this next month.
Please pray for health and strength, safety in travelling and that I will walk close to God and be sensitive to his leading.

Thank you.


Saturday, 20 August 2016

Mizpah! Who’s watching you?

As I was pondering prayerfully what to write I had two ideas floating around in my mind.  Now that I start writing I am unsure how they might relate, but I am determined to explore this further.  The first idea relates to the word Mizpah, which you can find in Genesis 31. The second idea relates to pretentiousness and affectation.

Mizpah is an oft-misunderstood word.  I have seen it in ornate plaques or carved in wood in the homes of Christians and in churches, usually accompanied with the words that immediately follow in the text: “May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other.” (Gen 31:49) It sounds like a wonderful blessing, but it was actually a solemn warning.

Jacob had fled to save himself from the wrath of his brother, Esau, from whom he had first purchased his birthright for a pot of stew, and then, by claiming to be Esau, Jacob had tricked his father Isaac into giving the blessing that would have been given to Esau. I’m not sure who was the more devious and manipulative, was it Jacob or his colluding mother?  But in seeking refuge with his uncle Laban, Jacob found himself at the mercy of a man who seems more devious than himself!

Twenty years later, having been tricked into marrying Leah, and then marrying Rachel, all the time working for his uncle who had been disingenuous regarding wages, Jacob leads his household and livestock out secretly, and headed back home.  Laban was not best pleased and made a pretence of wanting to give them a party, and claimed to have had a revelation from God. The ensuing argument between Jacob and Laban ends with a memorial heap being built and an uneasy peace agreement being made.  It is then that Laban names the place of this truce, ‘Mizpah’. 

It means ‘watchtower’.  When he declares, “May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other.” He is not giving a blessing.  He is giving a warning.  Remember, God is watching you so you had better behave yourself!

There is no doubting that Jacob’s encounter with God at Bethel, and the experiences he had been through, had resulted in a changed man.  But both Laban and Jacob had history of deceit, manipulation, self-seeking and deviousness.  It is therefore ironic that the parting of the ways should be marked with the reminder that God sees them as they are and will judge them on the basis of what he sees and knows.

Some thirty years ago I found myself deeply moved to pray, “From affectation and sermonising, dear Lord, deliver me”.  I cannot remember why I was so moved at the time, but it has remained a continuing prayer over the years, and as chastening a motto for me as the words of Laban would have been for Jacob.

Might it have been that I had fallen into the folly of being more concerned with my image and what other people thought of me, rather than what God knew about me?  Had I been crafting sermons for persuasive effect, rather than telling the truth plainly and allowing the Holy Spirit to do what God intended?  Whatever might have prompted the prayer, I have done my best to be comfortable with being the real me in the pulpit, and telling the story as simply as possible.

I have long suspected that Nicodemus was rather pretentious at the start of his meeting with Jesus one night.  He certainly wanted to give the impression of being more spiritual than he was.   The same charge could have been made against King David as he dispensed justice for a poor man whose only lamb had been taken by a rich man to feed a guest.  How chilling must have been hearing the words, “You are the man!” (Click to read the story).

During my management studied I was introduced to the concept of ‘power dressing’, and I might have practised it for a while.  My own Christian tradition has an aversion towards clerical clothes. However, there are more ways of being pretentious in the pulpit than putting on a robe.  I have also worshipped and worked alongside many robed colleagues who have not been the least bit pretentious.  Sadly, far too many of those of us who stand at the front in church are guilty of various degrees of affectation.  We need to remember that the God who sees us in the pulpit also sees us in the bath!

I knew a man who was a marvellous pastor and preacher, as a licensed Lay Reader in the Church of England.  He was subsequently one of the first to become a Locally Ordained Priest.  The wonderful man and godly servant I had come to know was immediately subsumed by a new persona he seemed to put on with his clerical collar.  Intriguingly, several of the most unpretentious clerics I have met have been Roman Catholic Priests, while the most seemingly pretentious was a Minister in a Free Church denomination.

But it isn’t only the clergy who are at risk of becoming pretentious and wanting to impress people with our oratory.  Any of us are capable of being deceived by our own ego, and projecting a persona that is not entirely honest when we go to church. What we choose to wear, how we speak and act can be far too easily about the impression we wish to create.  We prefer to be thought of as better than we are and, sometimes, better than others.  For those of us who preach, a little less time polishing and a little more time praying might be helpful.  Will you join me in prayer, please?

“From affectation and sermonising dear Lord, deliver us” Amen? Mizpah.

 From the Diary

Wonderful to welcome a new Anglican chaplain to the team at HMP Gartree.  The Revd Eric Rew had his licensing service last Thursday.

It was a joy to officiate at the wedding of Catherine and Mark today.  I had the joy of baptising Catherine a few years ago.
I have had several video meetings for Rural Mission Solutions during the week, and also been busy writing a paper for a forthcoming Pastoral Care Board Meeting for the Congregational Federation.

On Monday 22nd I have a meeting with a colleague in the URC in London as we plan a talk we shall share towards the end of September. We have a lovely opportunity but need wisdom as to what we include in the talk.

Tuesday 23rd – regular meeting at HMP Gartree.

Wednesday 24th – administration and possibly some work with the Mission and Society Board of the Congregational Federation.

Thursday 25th – afternoon Chaplaincy Team Meeting.

Friday 26th – Provisional rehearsal for Saturday.

Saturday 27th – 9.00 The Rural Mission Webinar (online seminar) on suggestions for mission during the autumn.  Gordon Banks and I have prepared an interesting programme that, among other things, reflects on missional responses to the start of the academic year, harvest thanksgivings, Halloween, bonfire night and Remembrance.  We are encouraged by the numbers already booked but we still have space for a few more.  If you can spare 45 minutes from 9.00 next Saturday morning I encourage you to attend.  You can do this from home or anywhere with internet connection.  You can use a computer, tablet or smart phone.  It is free but highly valuable.  If you have never attended a Rural Mission Solutions Webinar before why not give it a try?  You might discover something of value.  Registration in advance is essential.  To register CLICK HERE.

We are glad to serve you and grateful for your support.


Monday, 15 August 2016


There is no doubt that the vast majority of Christians in the UK have little or no motivation for sharing the good news about Jesus with their friends or with strangers.  Whatever else might be required for our churches to be truly missional, nothing will be effective if we are not personally motivated.

Not many months after a profound spiritual awakening at an evangelistic meeting on Hastings Pier, I attended a similar meeting in the same location with some Christian friends.  We were all teenagers. A reasonable number of people had already turned up and we were standing near the back when we were approached by the guest evangelist.  “Are you all Christians?” he asked.  We proudly assured him that we were.  “Well, why are you standing here?” he said,  “Go outside and fish more people in!”  With that he thrust a number of flyers into our hands.

I had never done anything like that before.  The idea was to approach some of the many sauntering onto the pier and ask them if they would like to come and hear an interesting talk. Any momentary hesitation soon gave way and I found it not a threatening activity.  It gave rise to questions about faith which I answered as confidently as I was able.  Several people attended that evening because of the invitations we gave out.  Since that day his words, “What are you doing here?” have lingered with me.

My first opportunity to preach publicly in a church came about a year later when, as a teenage member of a mission team, I was invited to preach at the Sunday morning Holiness Meeting of the Salvation Army Corps we were serving.  The director of the Mission organisation felt it was inappropriate, but the Corps Commanding Officer, Captain Peak, insisted.  My text that Sunday was “Shall your brethren go to war and shall ye sit here?” (Numbers 32:6) (AV).  You can read the story behind this text from the first verse of the chapter.  Some of the tribes of Israel chose not to enter the Promised Land as they approached the borders after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. 

I suggested that the reason behind their request was partly that they had lost the vision for what God called them to be and do, that they had become complacent in the light of the blessings they had received from God, and that they had become self-interested, losing their understanding of being one nation.  The biblical account records Moses response to their request.  He claimed they would spread discouragement to others, that they would make God angry, and that it would result in more years of wilderness experience instead of entering into the blessing of the purposes of God.

The outcome was that they rallied, even to going at the spearhead of the invasion.  I have repeated that sermon from time to time as it continues to be generally apposite when it comes to motivation to mission in the UK. Many have lost the vision for God’s purposes for his Church and our common calling.  Sunday after Sunday we celebrate God’s goodness and the blessings without being motivated by the needs of others who have yet to hear the gospel.  This has a negative impact on others, displeases God, and probably accounts for the limited impact that most churches have upon the communities in which we are set.

The apostle, Paul, was clearly a highly motivated person.  In his letters he refers to two motivators in his life, both of which appear in 2 Corinthians 5. These are, “Knowing what it is to fear the Lord” and “Christ’s love compels us”.  To understand the first of these, we need to read the preceding verses where Paul writes about living to please God and knowing that we will all have to give an account of our lives.  A desire to please God and an awareness of our ultimate accountability should both motivate us out of concern for ourselves AND out of concern for others.

Verse 14 which speaks about Christ’s love, is not well served by the NIV translation which speaks of it compelling us.  Other translations of the Greek word, synecho, render it constrains or controls. Literally it means to hold something fast. It is as if Paul sees himself as captivated by Christ’s love so that who he is and what he does is no longer in his own control.  He can do no other, so he says, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!”  What is not clear to me is whether it is the love Christ has for us, or the love we have for Christ that puts us under such obligation and holds us fast so we can do no other.

Some years ago a friend from the Netherlands and I were asked to represent European Churches within the Council for Mission at a conference on evangelism in Kuala Lumpur. Almost all the other Churches were from South Asia, Africa and the Pacific.  Many of the Churches represented were located in situations where Christianity was a minority religion and where there was oppression.  But the missional stories from their various churches were of courage and faithfulness.  We from Europe felt ashamed.  We tried to explain the difficulty of working in a post-Christian context, but the reality was that our limited engagement in evangelism was probably down to a lack of love for Jesus.

In the passage of scripture about the Children of Reuben and the Children of Gad, Moses spoke about the influence a lack of motivation would have.  Conversely, I have seen how enthusiasm can be spread and grow where people are highly motivated.  This was seen in the sporting world over recent years where success in tennis and cycling has led many more to play and ride.

My friends, we are not motivated to share the gospel as we ought to be.  I fear that the root of this is that many have not been grasped by the love of Christ and that consequently do not really love him.  So we do not serve him as we should.  Have we lost sight of the fact that our lives are not our own, that we are bought with a price, and called to be part of the Church God has for his mission on earth. I fear that many will stand before God at the final judgement and discover that God is not impressed by the fact that we went to Church most Sundays but never told anyone of the God who loves them so much that he is willing to give his life for them.

Within the last few days I have been motivated to rent a storage unit.  I work from home but my office has spilled over into our living space.  Worse still I have brought into our home the remainder of two other offices that have been closed down.  Our home was looking more like a warehouse with boxes occupying our lounge, dining room and two bedrooms!  To resolve this I am gradually removing those things that are inappropriate and taking them into rented space where they can be sorted and where some will be removed permanently.  This motivation happened because I woke up to just how dreadful the situation was, and realised it would only get worse unless I addressed the problem. 

Our world is in a mess.  It will only get worse unless we are motivated to do something about it.  Perhaps one thing we could do is to sign up for the webinars designed to help rural and small urban churches become effective in mission.  The next one on Saturday 27th August at 9.00 to 9.45 will have suggestions for things we can easily do to share the gospel this autumn.  See below for details.

From the Diary
The past week began with a farewell service at Yelvertoft where Doreen and I have served in ministry for the past ten years.  We are grateful for the kind comments shared on that occasion.

We then spent the next five days on Harborough Holiday at Home. This is a programme for older people in the community. On four days we had meetings containing a choice of activities, a helpful or entertaining presentation, a short gospel talk and a two course lunch (plus plenty of tea and coffee). On one day we went on an outing to Lichfield Cathedral, stopping at a garden Centre on the way.  It is a way of sharing the gospel through a social action and is very effective.  It was hard work and meant that over those days I worked probably 90 hours.  Pray that the love and message shared will bear fruit.

Last week the presence of three new men at the choir practise at HMP Gartree caused problems and I value prayer as I seek to resolve this.  In addition to my regular work at the prison on Tuesday afternoon I will be taking part in the licencing of a new Anglican Chaplain on Thursday.  Please pray for him as he settles into this new role.

Gordon Banks and I have started working on the webinar scheduled for 27th August at 9.00 and running until 9.45.  This contains suggestions for missional activity during autumn months and relating to the season and the key events it brings. This is the Saturday of the Bank Holiday but numbers registering to attend are increasing.  I strongly encourage you to attend this online seminar, which you can do from your home or a hotel room.  All you need is an internet connection with sound.  You can use a computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone.  It is absolutely free but you do need to register in advance in order to obtain the link you will need.  This online seminar is appropriate for any Christians but especially those in leadership roles or who are keen to encourage their church in mission.  Please pass on the details to others.  You can find more on the Rural Mission Solutions website.  To register to attend go to

Please pray for Gordon and me as we fine-tune the presentation and for all who will be attending.

On Sunday 21st I was due to speak at a church in Narborough, Leicestershire but they have just written asking to change the date for my visit.  So this will give me an opportunity to be still and listen – no bad thing!

Thank you for your love and prayers.


Saturday, 6 August 2016

Honour & Humility

It has been an interesting week in the UK as we begin to feel the impact of our recent referendum, and as the Bank of England and government begin to manage the changes while also managing the country.  Obviously the last few days before the start of the Olympics dominated the news until David Cameron’s resignation’s honours list was leaked.  For the benefit of non-UK readers, this is a list of people who are given special honours including knighthoods or being made peers of the realm.  It was a relatively long list and some have questioned the entitlement of all on the list.

This announcement seemed timely as last Sunday, at HMP Gartree, I had preached on a verse from scripture that speaks about acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8).  Many years ago, when helping out the ministry at a church in Sussex, I preached on the topic of humility.  It felt as if it had been well received and had been a good service.  But as I said goodbye to the congregation afterwards, clearly people were bursting to say something but saying “Good sermon” seemed inappropriate to the topic!

There is, of course, a world of difference between being humbled and being humble.  I was amused by Hilary Clinton’s acceptance speech in which she said she was humbled by the decision of the American Democratic Party to appoint her as their candidate for President.  She didn’t look humbled – quite the contrary (and deservedly).  I think she was really feeling proud.  Being humbled is the consequence of another person’s acts or words that cause someone to feel less important than they had previously felt about themselves. It is usually meant kindly.

A story is told of a young man who had recently become a Christian and had been hearing about the need for humility.  Each week in the prayer meeting he would pray, “Lord make me nothing, make me nothing.” Eventually a more mature Christian man could stand it no more and interjected, Brother you are nothing; accept it by faith!”. Jesus told a story about a person who took a place of honour at a wedding feast which had to be yielded to someone more important (Luke 14:7-11).  Being humbled publicly is actually a humiliating experience.  He concluded his story by stating that those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

At the time when Jesus walked this earth, humility was not a trait that characterised the culture.  It’s not that different today.  To be humble is counter-cultural in many situations.  Books abound on the subject of assertiveness.  Learning what it means to walk humbly with God is not easy.  Being humble does not mean making ourselves into a doormat for others to wipe their feet on.  Sadly, even among Christians I have seen and heard people being humiliated.  I have also met Christians (usually women) who have a poor self-image or feeling of self-worth.

Frankly, I am encouraged when people say that a sermon was helpful – or even good.  I have several good friends who have been awarded OBEs and have worked occasionally with a knight and a baroness.  While I am sure that I will never be nominated for any such honour, I suspect that I would not decline. One of the greatest joys in my life was to play a part in nominating a man who for years in retirement voluntarily kept our area of a village clear of rubbish and dogs mess, and the grass kept tidy.  He got an OBE. 

But the greatest honour must be to get the WDGFS (Well done good and faithful servant).  We do well to remember that Jesus gave honour and praise where it was deserved.  But we should seek the service rather than any reward.  We should also remember that the One who is our pattern humbled himself (Philippians 2:5-9) and we should embrace Paul’s exhortation: “in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Phil 2: 3,4)

I like what CS Lewis said on the subject.  “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking about yourself less.”

From the Diary
I set aside time this past week in order to attend to several tasks that had been neglected and to prepare for coming events.  It was a good idea but there is still a lot of time needed to catch up with various tasks.  Included in this is writing some thank you emails and letters.  If you should have received one from me, please be patient.

Last Saturday I attended a service of thanks for Brian and Clare Kennard as Brian “sits down” after being the Minister of Market Harborough Methodist Circuit for the past 9 years.  Brian and Clare were former associate evangelists of Mission for Christ when I was its General Secretary. It was a personal thrill when they moved to the town where we live.  Please pray as they explore avenues for future service.  Both have a heart for rural evangelism and I am keen to retain the link.

Last Sunday I took the morning service at the prison. Brian also serves as a sessional chaplain there.  On Tuesday at the prison I had three new choir members.  Incorporating new members into a small choir is never easy – especially if they have no experience of choral singing.  This Wednesday the choir is expecting to sing to some visitors on a special visit to the prison.

The ‘legal’ situation I have referred to in earlier letters continues to cause concern.  I am a co-trustee under a Will of a friend and former colleague in Mission for Christ, who died some 36 years ago.  In order to fulfil our responsibilities, we feel we have no alternative than to sell a property in which my friend’s daughter (now elderly) has been living.  While we are sure that this is in her best interests and is unavoidable, she does not want to cooperate and the matter has come to the County Court.  There is clearly tension between immediate pastoral concern and what is right in the long term. Please pray for wisdom and grace as we seek to manage this.

Sunday 7th August we have our farewell service at Yelvertoft, and Doreen and I are looking forward to meeting up with friends there once again.

Monday 8th to Friday 12th August we hold Holiday at Home in Market Harborough.  This is a programme for older people which we put on to bless them in Jesus’ name.  Each day there are all kinds of activities, talks and entertainment.  A small team is drawn from local churches and I help to administer this event.  Please pray for our chairman, Keith and the team through this week. Pray for opportunities to share something of our personal faith.

Saturday 13th August I will share as a team member in the group seeking to encourage and support some 30 churches in their mission programmes.

Please encourage people in your church to register for the online seminar with missional ideas for the autumn months.  Gordon Banks and I have a host of suggestions for activities that are manageable by small churches.  Some you may have heard before, but there may be some new ideas you can put into practise in your church this autumn.  It is free to attend the seminar.  All that is needed is an internet connection with sound.  You could use a PC, tablet or smart phone.  Please do not miss this opportunity.  It is on Saturday 27th August (Bank Holiday weekend) and will run from 9.00 to 9.45am.  Registering in advance is essential to obtain the link you will need.  Go to

Thank you for your prayers and for the practical support received over the past few weeks.
