It's About Time

I first started writing this the day before the clocks went back to GMT in the UK. Unfortunately I was unable to find enough time to finish the task! Someone once told me that sufficient time can never be found; it has to be made. That makes a lot of sense. Time is a precious commodity. When we are young we seem to have plenty of it but after a certain age each year seems shorter than the one before, and the days of a week rush by. All the more reason to make good use of it.
You may already know that there are two different Greek words for time used in the New Testament. Chronos is the word used for the kind of time we can tell from a clock, for example. The other word is Kairos which has more to do with a moment of opportunity. Both can be wasted, but Christians should guard against that.
Those that know me well often make two distinct comments about time as it relates to my life. The first of these goes back into childhood when I was chronically late for school (Did you get the Greek pun?). I still tend to leave things to the last moment and end up either rushing or arriving late! The other comment relates to how much I do with some wondering how I fit it all in. The latter situation might, of course, contribute to the former. I certainly seem to have full days of work.
Someone once told me that he built space into his diary so that if something cropped up he could fit it in. I’m not sure how to do that as I would feel bad about unprofitable time as a result of intentional gaps in the diary. Consequently, when unexpected tasks develop I have to manage the diary by changing priorities which might in turn mean something not being done where this does not cause a problem.
The key to this is, of course, knowing how to prioritise, distinguishing between what must be done, what should be done and what could be done. Priorities are determined by whether something is urgent or important. Mark’s Gospel reveals a picture of Jesus almost frenetically moving from one task to another. But we know that Jesus made time to pray, that he encouraged his disciples to rest, that he needed to stop and rest and that he was prepared to be interrupted and consequently change his agenda. (Please click the links to find the Bible references for these).
A personal, but undoubtedly not a unique policy is remembering to offer each day to God. Daring to believe that for each of us God has a plans we ought not to miss I consciously offer the time he gives me back to him asking for his guidance. If you do this too then I am sure that you will also experience the way in which events seem to fit together in a timely way. It’s wonderful experience.
Even as I am writing, and as you are reading, time is slipping by with no possibility of recovering it. So it is with our lives. The best way to use this valuable resource is to spend it with God. Some time that might mean in solitude and prayer but God loves to share in our activities too.
I recently went on a train journey with a table seat reserved. Suddenly a mother and four children settled around me, the three oldest sharing my table, and the youngest and her mother sitting on the other side of the aisle. After a time, and after ensuring that their mother was comfortable with it, I fell into conversation with those at the table seats. Here was a kairos and chronosmoment. As part of our natural conversation I mentioned that I write and tell stories. They asked me to tell them one so I told a simple story with a moral about the folly of pride. “Tell us another”, they pleaded so I told them the story about the giant who thought he was so strong he could beat anyone in a fight but met his end in a battle with a young lad and a sling.
While the children seemed enthralled others sitting near were listening too. Before the family left the train the mother kindly invited me to visit the family, meet her husband and share an African meal any time I’m in Nottingham. As I hurriedly gathered up my belongings to leave the train a young man tapped me on the shoulder. “I’ve come to Manchester to join a mission”, he said, “and “I want to thank you for the wonderful workshop on evangelism”! It was a humbling experience and has left me wondering was the whole thing organised by God? You’ll have to draw your own conclusion.
Can you spare an hour next Saturday morning?
This coming Saturday, 7th November, you can sit in on a seminar from the comfort of your home. It starts at 9.00 and will finish by 9.45. All you need is your computer switch on, an internet connection and your sound working. The theme is an Introduction for Friendship Evangelism. Whether you are an experienced personal evangelist or have never shared the gospel with your friends I hope you will find this Saturday Seminar helpful. If possible pleasemake some time and join us. It is free but you need to sign up before the event. To do so please click this link.
Other Saturday Seminars in November
Saturday 14th November – Does Your Image Hinder Your Mission? (Click here to register)
Saturday 28th November – Mission through Prayer. (Click here to register) Please pray for wisdom as I prepare to lead these Saturday Seminars.
The Past Few Weeks
A considerable amount of time has been taken up with hospital visits to two members of my village church. The hospital is some distance from home so each visit took at least half a day each time. When one was discharged to home with a care package this also required a lot of time. Rural churches where numbers are inevitably small means that there are sometimes no others available at the time to whom tasks can be delegated. That said, I did have some wonderful help for which I am grateful.
There have been a whole series of engagements for ministry and providing advice/guidance for mission. There is not room here to share the outcomes but please join us in giving thanks to God.
A New Children and Families Worker
Sunrise Ministries’ trustees have put together a package so that someone can be employed to build on the work begun by the late Monica Cook. We will soon complete the job description and have this available. It has been delayed by unexpected and urgent additional work that had to be given priority. Please pray with us through this process. If you have already emailed your own enquiry about this position and have not heard back please be assured that I will contact you. Any other enquiries should email us by clicking here.
Thank you for your prayers and practical support. Your fellowship means so much to us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,