The weeks of Lent seem to have been passing quickly. The Lenten Bible Discussions have been very encouraging. This year we have focused on Meals Jesus shared. I ran a similar programme when at Herstmonceux and it proved very successful. On that occasion friends from the Parish Church joined us and Sue, the Vicar, and I planned and led it jointly. Each week we met in a different kind of location, had a meal that reflected something of the Bible passage and had an informal talk and discussion. This year, at Yelvertoft which is much smaller, we have had 14 to 16 attending and we have not had a meal, but have used different forms of Bible study. This coming week we meet on Thursday evening for an enacted Passover Meal.
I spent part of the week reflecting on our publicity. As Rural Mission Solutions is a relatively small organisation with a modest income we have never invested much in advertising. This is a shame as our particular approach to the task of rural evangelism is unique and we should be broadcasting it as much as possible. I discovered a marketing organisation is based in a small hamlet next to Yelvertoft and went and had a chat. One result of this has been to set up a Facebook Page for Rural Mission Solutions. Unfortunately Facebook are changing the format of these pages to a new Timeline design. I'm not a fan of the new format but we will run with it at least for a while. So if you are on Facebook perhaps you would visit Rural Mission Solutions. If you click on 'Like' we can keep you in touch with developments.
I have also set up a similar page for the Rural Evangelism Network but am even less certain about the value for that part of our work. Perhaps for REN a Facebook Group will suffice.
Please pray with us as we continue to reflect on how we raise our profile and make known the programmes, experience and expertise we can make available.
The process of setting up the regional Rural Mission Consultations (with REN) continue through the coming week.
This week's visit to Gartree Prison will be the penultimate practise before the concert. Last Tuesday we practised three gospel songs that will be in the programme. It went well but I still feel we are only 40% ready for the concert. Hopefully it will be all right on the night.
This year marks the 350th Anniversary of our church in Yelvertoft. On August 24th 1662 an Act of Parliament restricted who could minister within the Church of England and also the form of the services. For 2000 Anglican clergymen this was perceived as limiting the work of the Holy Spirit and they gave up their living and their homes in a courageous act of conscience. This was the birth of what became known as non-conformity. It was a costly step but amazing things grew out of it with blessing subsequently flowing into the Church of England which has been enriched through the spirituality of the non-conformists.
I was asked to set up a website to mark this event and you are invited to explore to find out more. You may well find a chapel near you that will be celebrating its 350th anniversary this year where you would be very welcome.
This week's activities include...
Sunday 25th - Yelvertoft Congregational Church
Monday 26th - Lubenham School Assembly
Tuesday 27th - Outreach planning meeting in Market Harborough and Gartree Prison.
Thursday 29th - Lessons from a Passover Meal, Yelvertoft
Saturday 31st - Attending an Induction and Ordination Service for a new Minister near Bedford.
Sunday 1st April - Joint Palm Sunday Service in Yelvertoft.
Finally, be warned - I will be shortly undertaking another sponsored walk to support the work of Christian Aid in Nicaragua. Can i count on you for a little help with the fund raising please?
Every blessing,
I spent part of the week reflecting on our publicity. As Rural Mission Solutions is a relatively small organisation with a modest income we have never invested much in advertising. This is a shame as our particular approach to the task of rural evangelism is unique and we should be broadcasting it as much as possible. I discovered a marketing organisation is based in a small hamlet next to Yelvertoft and went and had a chat. One result of this has been to set up a Facebook Page for Rural Mission Solutions. Unfortunately Facebook are changing the format of these pages to a new Timeline design. I'm not a fan of the new format but we will run with it at least for a while. So if you are on Facebook perhaps you would visit Rural Mission Solutions. If you click on 'Like' we can keep you in touch with developments.
I have also set up a similar page for the Rural Evangelism Network but am even less certain about the value for that part of our work. Perhaps for REN a Facebook Group will suffice.
Please pray with us as we continue to reflect on how we raise our profile and make known the programmes, experience and expertise we can make available.
The process of setting up the regional Rural Mission Consultations (with REN) continue through the coming week.
This week's visit to Gartree Prison will be the penultimate practise before the concert. Last Tuesday we practised three gospel songs that will be in the programme. It went well but I still feel we are only 40% ready for the concert. Hopefully it will be all right on the night.
This year marks the 350th Anniversary of our church in Yelvertoft. On August 24th 1662 an Act of Parliament restricted who could minister within the Church of England and also the form of the services. For 2000 Anglican clergymen this was perceived as limiting the work of the Holy Spirit and they gave up their living and their homes in a courageous act of conscience. This was the birth of what became known as non-conformity. It was a costly step but amazing things grew out of it with blessing subsequently flowing into the Church of England which has been enriched through the spirituality of the non-conformists.
I was asked to set up a website to mark this event and you are invited to explore to find out more. You may well find a chapel near you that will be celebrating its 350th anniversary this year where you would be very welcome.
This week's activities include...
Sunday 25th - Yelvertoft Congregational Church
Monday 26th - Lubenham School Assembly
Tuesday 27th - Outreach planning meeting in Market Harborough and Gartree Prison.
Thursday 29th - Lessons from a Passover Meal, Yelvertoft
Saturday 31st - Attending an Induction and Ordination Service for a new Minister near Bedford.
Sunday 1st April - Joint Palm Sunday Service in Yelvertoft.
Finally, be warned - I will be shortly undertaking another sponsored walk to support the work of Christian Aid in Nicaragua. Can i count on you for a little help with the fund raising please?
Every blessing,