This week I thought you might like a glimpse into some of what I have been up to. As you will see some unexpected news in the opening hour of the week brought added work.
Sunday 18th. Just after midnight (early hours of Sunday) I picked up an email from a friend informing me that a sex offender who had previously set up and led a mission which gave him opportunity and cover for his activities was now proposing to launch a new rural evangelism organisation. Horrified I sat down at the laptop and wrote an account of some of his activities as this was certainly something he ought not to be allowed to do.
09:55 Doreen and I set off for Yelvertoft to take the morning service. In the meeting we reflected on the way God often surprises us by his generosity (Jonah in the OT and the parable where all the workers received the same pay in the NT). It was good to have Jean back at the Clavinova and it felt a good meeting. In the evening we supported the meeting at Theddingworth.
Monday 19th. Early morning appointment at the dentist and then helped move and store audio visual equipment in the Market Harborough church. The rest of the day was spent preparing and sending out emails to members of the Rural Evangelism Network regarding the proposed new rural mission organisation. How can one protect small rural churches that are likely to grasp at an offer of help without checking if it is safe? Had a useful conversation with the Police who have asked for documentation.
Tuesday 20th. In the morning I travelled to Yelvertoft to take a school assembly. The topic was Noah. Big issues about what one says in school regarding some issues that even Bible loving theologians are unsure about. Focused on his preparedness to stand out and be different, living a good life in the midst of sin, and how obedience to God saved him but no others though he preached to them It was excellent and some of the children expressed the hope that I would be back with them the next week. Coffee in staff room and a good chat with teachers.
Afternoon off to Prison. Once again 'C' was helpful so please keep praying for him. It is a real change in his behaviour. We worked hard all the concert pieces and I got home exhausted and fell asleep on the settee.
Independent safeguarding Authority requested a formal report about the rural mission 'risk'.
Wednesday 21st. Drafted letter to go to long-standing prayer partners who might know the person setting up the mission. I am concerned that some could have had a communication requesting support for this inappropriate action. I have had to share bits of my history working with this man that I would have preferred to keep to myself. Emails start flowing back thanking me for my honesty and supporting what I had written. Somewhat relieved as the supportive emails keep coming in.
Late morning met with ministerial colleague, Suzanne, from the Harborough church to discuss a series of home groups on friendship evangelism. Welcomed the time of prayer we shared. In the afternoon I drafted the first of the Friendship Evangelism programmes based on John 4.
Thursday 22nd. In the morning I drove to Stoneleigh, Warwickshire for the Country Way Editorial Group Meeting. Sad that Jill Hopkinson, National Rural Officer for the Church of England and Executive Editor, was not well enough to be at the meeting. It was a productive meeting and I arrived back home early afternoon for a late lunch bring back home copies of the current magazine for mailing out to Rural Evangelism Network members.
Over the last several days back into last week I have also been getting the data for the REN Directory up to date. Started preparing the Directory ready for the mailing.
Friday 23rd. Finished the REN Directory and wrote the REN Newsletter. Also some REN administration as the annual subscriptions are coming in (letter sent out last week). Late afternoon I met with Dr Gordon temple at the Torch trust offices in preparation for Saturday's meeting. All REN mailing now ready by the evening but I needed to prepare for Saturday.
Saturday 24th. Gordon and I travelled to Nottingham by train. As I was about to leave I received a pastoral phone call. One of my members was taken ill during the week while in south Wales and has ended up in hospital in Newport. I managed to arrange for a colleague to visit Lynne in hospital and also set up a pre-baptism meeting for early tomorrow.
Congregational Federation's Mission & Society Meeting (Gordon was a guest speaker). A very positive time. My report went well as did Gordon's presentation. Much else was encouraging. Came away having been tasked to set up a Facebook Group Page so that Committee members can share news and prayer. Good idea but short on volunteers!
In the evening I wrote this blog. Thanks for being with me through this fairly typical week though somewhat overshadowed by the news at the start of the week.
The Week Ahead
Sunday 9.30 Pre-baptism meeting at Yelvertoft. Morning meeting taken by Angela.
Monday Printing and then mailing out to REN members. In the afternoon I take part in an international telephone conference for a theological commission for whom I prepared a new constitution a few weeks ago.
Tuusday Gartree Prison.
Thursday Part of International Congregational Fellowship Conference Planning Group in London.
Sunday Morning Meeting at Yelvertoft followed by Area Autumn Assembly in Okeham, Rutland where I am the speaker.
Hopefully plenty of time to catch up on the study missed through the past week!
Thank you.