I cannot say that I have been sorry to have a week with fewer engagements than normal, especially in the light of the very active programme for the previous two weeks. But the past few days have felt as if there has been some space. It also seems a long time since the intensely busy days of last weekend.
Last Sunday was a frustrating time. Jean, our regular pianist at Yelvertoft, is away on holiday going to Iceland (her husband said she is going to Tesco's afterwards!) and I really missed her partnership in the morning meeting. The evening meeting at Theddingworth turned out to be me and Doreen and a young couple and their very young and two boisterous children. Trying to talk over their noise was almost impossible but not quite. Even the oldest is too young to engage with anything I try to do for her benefit. I think it was not wasted time, but it was not an exciting day. How was yours?
On Monday I drove over 40 miles to visit a small village in north Leicestershire where they had held a Youth Alpha programme as a pre-confirmation course. I had very happy fellowship with the local team vicar and putting that story together with the story I picked up the previous Saturday has made a decent article for Country Way.
During the week I finished off several articles and seem to have made the editor a happy lady. I know that I tend to give Country Way a plug whenever I can but it really is an excellent magazine. It is just £9 per year to get a copy sent to you three times a year. If you live or worship in a village or country town you would find it informative and inspiring. Let me know if you want to subscribe for a year.
Also during the week I completed a number of items required by the university and had an encouraging development. I also provided advice for a church looking at some constitutional matters and undertook some pastoral visits. We also made a little progress regarding our planning application at Yelvertoft. Our chapel there is a listed building and although we are not proposing any radical alterations we will certainly value prayers as we negotiate to make it more accessible.
The coming week
Sunday 31st July - 9.00 the morning service at Gartree Prison. This is one of the quarterly visits when I am able to take in friends from Theddingworth. After the meeting we remain and share some refreshments. If we leave in time I will then go to Yelvertoft where the meeting is being taken by friends from Ashby.
6.00pm I am taking the service at Market Harborough Congregational Church.
Tuesday 2nd August - Gartree Prison
Sunday 7th August - Taking the service at Yelvertoft.
In the week I will be studying in connection with the research project, undertaking various pastoral duties and administration for Rural Mission Solutions.
Coming Soon - Holiday at Home Week (a pre-evangelism outreach) from 15 - 19 August. Please pray as the final stages of preparation take place.
Closing thoughts
I wonder whether you have any prayer 'heroes' - biblical characters or otherwise. One of mine is a man called Epaphras and you need to read Colossians 4:12 to understand why. Despite being absent from his home church he continued to carry a burden for them in prayer. See the verse to discover how often he prayed, how he prayed and what he prayed. It's been a standard we would all do well to follow.
Thanks for your fellowship.
Last Sunday was a frustrating time. Jean, our regular pianist at Yelvertoft, is away on holiday going to Iceland (her husband said she is going to Tesco's afterwards!) and I really missed her partnership in the morning meeting. The evening meeting at Theddingworth turned out to be me and Doreen and a young couple and their very young and two boisterous children. Trying to talk over their noise was almost impossible but not quite. Even the oldest is too young to engage with anything I try to do for her benefit. I think it was not wasted time, but it was not an exciting day. How was yours?
On Monday I drove over 40 miles to visit a small village in north Leicestershire where they had held a Youth Alpha programme as a pre-confirmation course. I had very happy fellowship with the local team vicar and putting that story together with the story I picked up the previous Saturday has made a decent article for Country Way.
During the week I finished off several articles and seem to have made the editor a happy lady. I know that I tend to give Country Way a plug whenever I can but it really is an excellent magazine. It is just £9 per year to get a copy sent to you three times a year. If you live or worship in a village or country town you would find it informative and inspiring. Let me know if you want to subscribe for a year.
Also during the week I completed a number of items required by the university and had an encouraging development. I also provided advice for a church looking at some constitutional matters and undertook some pastoral visits. We also made a little progress regarding our planning application at Yelvertoft. Our chapel there is a listed building and although we are not proposing any radical alterations we will certainly value prayers as we negotiate to make it more accessible.
The coming week
Sunday 31st July - 9.00 the morning service at Gartree Prison. This is one of the quarterly visits when I am able to take in friends from Theddingworth. After the meeting we remain and share some refreshments. If we leave in time I will then go to Yelvertoft where the meeting is being taken by friends from Ashby.
6.00pm I am taking the service at Market Harborough Congregational Church.
Tuesday 2nd August - Gartree Prison
Sunday 7th August - Taking the service at Yelvertoft.
In the week I will be studying in connection with the research project, undertaking various pastoral duties and administration for Rural Mission Solutions.
Coming Soon - Holiday at Home Week (a pre-evangelism outreach) from 15 - 19 August. Please pray as the final stages of preparation take place.
Closing thoughts
I wonder whether you have any prayer 'heroes' - biblical characters or otherwise. One of mine is a man called Epaphras and you need to read Colossians 4:12 to understand why. Despite being absent from his home church he continued to carry a burden for them in prayer. See the verse to discover how often he prayed, how he prayed and what he prayed. It's been a standard we would all do well to follow.
Thanks for your fellowship.