The week started well with services taken at Blaby and Theddingworth, both in Leicestershire. At both occasions it seemed the word was warmly received.
If you have been involved in Lent Groups then, like me, you might have found this something of an experience like the curates egg: good in parts. Over the years I can recall three occasions when the experience was wholly excellent - this year being one of them. One of my treasured aspirations is to hold regular informal discussions on biblical topics, reflecting theologically with others interested in drawing truth from God's word. It was the work of Francis Schaeffer at L'Abri that first sowed the seed in my heart.
To some extent this year's two Lent Groups provided a taster. The Wednesday evening was a small intimate inter-church group starting as eight and becoming five after some found other responsibilities took them away. The Thursday morning group was eleven people from various denominational backgrounds and with various levels of Bible knowledge. It was almost entirely a gracious gatherings but both were spiritually stimulating. As I write this blog and instantly recall the warmth of fellowship and eagerness in the group I am reminded of the Bereans who listened eagerly to Paul's message and then examined the scriptures to check it out (Acts 17:10, 11). What a joy! What a privilege!
An added bliss to the Thursday sessions has been the opportunity to support the local MU who provide nice soup and salad lunches on Thursdays. This extends the fellowship.
Far too much of the week was taken up struggling to get the email service working correctly. I had transferred our domain ( from one host to another. It seems that in the process the email management system at Google automatically suspended the service. This has been complicated by my so far futile efforts to put this right (though it has worked efficiently in part). I now hope that I have done all that is necessary and we will be back to a fully functioning system soon. Along the way I have been reminded of my limitations despite the many years of IT activity. So some wisdom has been imparted!
The newly acquired Vauxhall Meriva |
Another activity this week has been the acquisition of a new (used) car. I have realised that before long I would need to obtain a newer car that would be more economical to run and possibly see me through the coming years. Now that Doreen is less mobile I sought advice on how to combine those needs with something that might accommodate her electric scooter. I was pointed in the direction of a Vauxhall Meriva and also advised to consult a particular dealer with a good reputation. On arrival at his garage I found he had just taken delivery of a 2008 1.4 litre ex-Motability Meriva with only 10,000 miles on the clock.
So it was that I bade farewell to the Vauxhall Astra that has served me well for the last eight years and collected the Meriva this week. To our utter amazement we also received a generous donation specifically towards a new car.
On Wednesday I also attended the Induction of the Rev'd Michael Heaney as Moderator of the Free Churches Group and Co-Moderator of Churches Together in England. It was a happy occasion and the opportunity to meet with good friends in other Churches.
Plans to try to get some more exercise in before the big walk tomorrow failed to materialise. I am so grateful to all who have sponsored me. Currently this stands at about £300 provided I complete all 13.5 cross-country miles from Yelvertoft to Market Harborough. Two new folk from the congregation at Yelvertoft are also walking and have raised some sponsorship too. The weather forecast is for heavy rain around 7.00am but hopefully this will have cleared by 9.30 when we start. It then is expected to be overcast for the rest of the day. We will be walking across some super countryside.
If I can still move on Sunday morning my church will be sharing with the Parish Church and local Catholics for a joint Palm Sunday Service in Yelvertoft. It is preceded by walking from one end of the village to the other with Palm branches and a donkey!
The Coming Week
Sunday - Joint Palm Sunday Service, Yelvertoft
Tuesday - Gartree Prison
Thursday - morning Lent Group, Yelvertoft. In the afternoon we shall support friends from Torch Trust for the Blind reading from the gospels at Market Harborough branch of Waterstones.
Good Friday - Supporting Open Air Meeting in the central Market Square, Market Harborough.
Easter Sunday - Yelvertoft
Please note that after Easter Doreen and I are attending a Church Leaders' Conference at Matlock, Derbyshire. We return for the weekend but then leave for a week's break, during which I have sessions at Winchester University on Saturday and a special birthday party for one of Doreen's sisters. I am still preparing for the Uni activity so I am sure you will understand if news is brief next weekend.
I hope you have a really great Easter. Jesus has conquered sin and death. Hallelujah!